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Macadamia Superfood

When it comes to macadamias as a health food, where to start...

Rich in antioxidants and high in fibre, macadamias are a wonderful source of monounsaturated oils – and are widely considered one of the world's great superfoods.

High in energy, macadamias do not contain any trans fatty acids and don't contain cholesterol. Nearly 80 percent of fat content in macadamias is the “good” monounsaturated fatty acids. In macadamias these have been shown to reduce blood serum cholesterol levels, as well as enhance protective high-density lipoproteins and suppress the low-density lipoproteins. In fact, the macadamia nut reportedly contains the highest level of monounsaturated fatty acids of any natural commercial food. Being rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, macadamias can assist in reducing risk of heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis.

Macadamias also contain significant vitamins -Vitamin A, Thiamine (B1), Vitamin E, Riboflavin (B2), Niacin, and Folate. They contain a range of minerals too – including Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, and Copper.

Macadamias are also high in dietary fibre, which promotes saiety, slows digestion and reduces hunger.

Read more about the wide-ranging health benefits of macadamias here at livestrong.com



Harbourside Macadamias 
402 Matahui Road 



Phone : +64 7 552 0718
Mobile : +64 27 552 0718



Email:  [email protected]