• Karengo
  • 3
  • 1
  • 2
  • chocolate
  • Sunset
  • 4
  • Orchid
  • Orchid_large
  • Dukkah


At Harbourside Macadamias, our commitment to quality is second to none. We are committed to providing exceptional quality to you our customer, with what we believe are the finest macadamias grown anywhere in either New Zealand or Australia.

Why do we say this? Here are a few reasons:

  • Our tree varieties are specifically selected for their flavour and superior oil content.
  • We don't chemically induce nut drop. Unlike our competitors, we wait for our trees to tell us when the nuts are mature. They are then regularly harvested and promptly dried.
  • We implement best practice orchard and crop management. As such, we are a GlobalGap certified orchard.
  • We only use first grade kernel in all our nuts. We don't camouflage second grade nuts in our oil or refined products.
  • The soil our trees grow in has high fertility and high rainfall. Irrigation and non-organic fertilisers are minimal.

Please visit our products page to see what we have on offer or read OUR STORY and the history of Harbourside Macadamias.



Harbourside Macadamias 
402 Matahui Road 



Phone : +64 7 552 0718
Mobile : +64 27 552 0718



Email:  [email protected]